Monday, 27 September 2010

Domain Name Purchased

After deliberating about what the hell I wanted to call my website I finally settled on a suitable domain name:


I think its original, I intend now on obtaining some web space and hopefully have the site up and running by the end of the week, with the help of some of my friends. I intend on apply a simple layout to begin with possibly using Indexhibit, Heather has some experience using it and she has a very simple and easy to use site.

Business Cards & Identity

As for my personal development I created an identity which I feel reflect my ambitions as a creative and shadows that umbrella statement that we created earlier.

"High-end identity design and visual solutions driven by layout and aesthetics for quality print and web

I decided one of the best ways of creating an identity that reflected ideas of versatility was to create an identity that was abstract and could be used easy to merge to various compositions and styles.